Sunday, November 13, 2011


It was date night last night so I took Mrs. HappyMapper to Libertad, a new latin inspired restaurant in the North Shore's new hot spot - Skokie. I don't know what you think about when you hear the word Skokie, but dining mecca doesn't come to mind. Libertad will change that. As soon as we walked in we felt as if we in the city (Chicago that is). It is a small place with a big vibe. Cocktails were fantastic and were not your run of the mill standard. They had flair and spice not seen in many places and also make candied ginger as a component in some of the drinks. As we were leaving, it seemed as if everyone working there was our best friend - possibly our new neighborhood joint not in our neighborhood.

Our favorite dish:
Tilapia with mushrooms and Peruvian mash potatoes

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Down the Crapper

I tried to keep up with blogging during my current schedule - work, grad school, family, and football but something had to give and it wasn't going to be football. So instead of dumping my random thoughts and weird happenings into this blog, I have been removing toilets after a little boy happened to flush a ball and a frog down, clogging the crapper.

I guess I have to look at the positive and be thankful that the crapper didn't overflow. Now I am back to blogging.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fish Boils

Just got back from a week in Door County Wisconsin, staying just a stones throw south of Whitefish Dunes State Park. When I came to Door County, I had two things on my mind - beach and cherry pie. Little did I know that when I left, all I had was one thing on my mind - FISH BOILS. Better yet, I have the 'boil over' on my mind.

I shot this video while attending Pelletier's in Fish Creek.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bear, Ninja, Cowboy

This week I attended my company's annual retreat at the Abbey Resort in Fontana, Wisconsin where leadership, creativity and team building were on the agenda. But the real story of the week was bear, ninja, cowboy - a full body version of rock, paper, scissors. Just remember:

Bear beats ninja
Ninja beats cowboy
Cowboy beats bear

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Denver & Red Rocks

Went to Denver last weekend and enjoyed everything the area has to offer - music, beer and the outdoors. Saw OAR at Red Rocks, visited Oskar Blues brewery and took a hike at Castlewood Canyon State Park.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Adventures in Missouri - Garage Saling

The family and I just returned from a week long adventure in wilds of Missouri. After baking ourselves in the 100 degree heat in Lake of the Ozarks, home of Party Cove, we drove back to the flat lands of Illinois. We took the scenic route back, covering many rural communities and enjoying the rolling hills of good ole Missouri. If we hadn't taken this route, we would have never found these: Busch Bavarian beer sign and 2 two gallon Western Stoneware jugs.

 Pretty good score in the middle of nowhere!

And this wasn't the best part. After small talking with the guy putting on the garage sale, he found out that I was from Chicago. Well, lo and behold, his wife is from Illinois, so obviously we have something in common or must know the same people! So now he is yelling at her to tell him where she is from since he forgot, but she is ignoring him. Next thing you know he is telling me she is from mile marker 148! Where the hell is that dude?! Like I am supposed to know where mile marker 148 is.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Airplane Love

The following is a conversion my wife and I had on an airplane trip by passing my iPhone back and forth writing notes. I was venting about the children behind me and their 'childish' behavior during a 6am flight.

Me: They open the window shade that is right in my periphery and kick, pinch and grab my seat. I am furious.

Wife: You really seem cranky today. You should smile more and be happy. You are with your family and they love you. Breathe deep.

Me: My toys do not work. I am tired. Tired of stupid people. Tired of the bitch and her kids kicking my fucking chair!!

Wife:  I love you.

Me: It took you a long time to write that. I will be fine once we vacate this plane.

Wife: Silly.

Me: I think we should buy an iPad 2.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

When I grow up....

Sitting around the breakfast table, my son, age 4 says, 'Can I put chocolate sauce in your coffee?' I politely decline. He says, 'When I am a parent, I am going to put chocolate sauce in my coffee.'

Now only if I had foresight when I was 4. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blanket Tents

Remember the days when blanket tents were made on rainy days using chairs, couches and cushions? Well I don't need a rain day to bring out my inner kid again. Nothing was better than watching the Bulls waste the Heat while in the comfort of my blanket tent.

Now my wife is especially happy for this tent. Notice the two supporting poles in the middle of the tent. A crash symbol and high hat are acting as my roof support and as long as these are holding up the roof, I can't bang on them. Well, now that I think of it, my neighbors are probably excited about my blanket tent too.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Growing Pot

In my dark basement, there is a light. Currently, it is situated over some green plants that have been carefully sowed in potting soil.

And yes, there are herbs.

Since there is limited space in my backyard for a garden, I have resorted to container planting for many of my plants. Hence why I am looking for a 'growing pot', AKA containers. If you have any you are not using, send them my way.!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Garden, Pizza Day

My growing space
This weekend, I was motivated by two things - seeds and pizza. Two weeks ago, I ordered this years fruit, vegetable and herb seeds from High Mowing Seeds. Last weekend they came, I planted them, and this week I have little sprouts. This year we are doing Haricot Verts, carrots, three type of tomatoes, three types of peppers, rosemary, thyme, basil, mint, cilantro, leeks, green onions, and I am sure others are slipping my mind right now.

Pork and onion pizza

Now on to the za. I made some homemade pizza on Friday but my camera was no where to be found. I had some leftover dough, leftover pork loin and onions. So I give you today's concoction -pork loin and onion pizza. See for yourself.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beer Geek

I am a beer geek. I crave good beer and some of my top breweries do not distribute to Illinois and this saddens me. But not too much anymore because I have stocked up!!

Oskar Blues started the canning craze in craft beer and provides great beer across all categories - Ten Fidy (imperial stout), GUBNA (imperial IPA) and their flagship Dale's Pale Ale (duh - Pale Ale) are all delicious. I am now getting thirsty!

That brings us to the pride and joy of Wisconsin, and no it is not the Packers, it is Central Waters. Satin Solstice Imperial Stout, Glacial Trail IPA and Double IPA are tasty treats that I shouldn't have to drive so long to get.
The trunk of my car - loaded.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A New Meaning to Man Cave

Going from 75 to 8 degrees in two and a half hours was rough. Shorts and a T to jeans and a jacket. Coming home from Florida was a temperature shock, but since we live in what my wife says is the 'arctic tundra' we are used to it.

After the blizzard last week, we exited the area without time to take advantage of the snow. So when we came back yesterday, Hunter decided we should go play in the snow. But instead of playing, it was all work for me. I challenged myself to a duel - with an igloo.

I have to admit, I didn't think it was going to be easy. And guess what - I was right. It was hard work getting the right shapes, hell, who really knows how to build an igloo? Anyways, I wiggled into my new man cave about 4 hours after I started it. I am looking forward to spending a night in there before it melts.

Let me know if anyone is looking for a place - I will rent it cheap.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


After a couple hard days of shoveling, everyone needs a break. Mine so happened to take place 1100 miles away in a place called Florida, where the sun shines and the temperature is above 12 degrees unlike my homeland - Chicago. Hitting the pool, Disney, Gatorland, and phase 10.

Pics and maybe a video to come.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Whitney Christmas Vacation

What can I say other than it was long. Twelve days on the road when it should have been eight. Two canceled flights. Had to ship our son's gifts back as they didn't fit in our bags. Nevada City Hat Store. Sacramento. Napa. Monterrey. Auburn Ale House. Big Sur. New Years. Christmas. Rain. Wine tasting. BevMo. Road trip. Port. Hall Winery. Bears win. Dean and Deluca.