Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Garden, Pizza Day

My growing space
This weekend, I was motivated by two things - seeds and pizza. Two weeks ago, I ordered this years fruit, vegetable and herb seeds from High Mowing Seeds. Last weekend they came, I planted them, and this week I have little sprouts. This year we are doing Haricot Verts, carrots, three type of tomatoes, three types of peppers, rosemary, thyme, basil, mint, cilantro, leeks, green onions, and I am sure others are slipping my mind right now.

Pork and onion pizza

Now on to the za. I made some homemade pizza on Friday but my camera was no where to be found. I had some leftover dough, leftover pork loin and onions. So I give you today's concoction -pork loin and onion pizza. See for yourself.

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