Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beer Geek

I am a beer geek. I crave good beer and some of my top breweries do not distribute to Illinois and this saddens me. But not too much anymore because I have stocked up!!

Oskar Blues started the canning craze in craft beer and provides great beer across all categories - Ten Fidy (imperial stout), GUBNA (imperial IPA) and their flagship Dale's Pale Ale (duh - Pale Ale) are all delicious. I am now getting thirsty!

That brings us to the pride and joy of Wisconsin, and no it is not the Packers, it is Central Waters. Satin Solstice Imperial Stout, Glacial Trail IPA and Double IPA are tasty treats that I shouldn't have to drive so long to get.
The trunk of my car - loaded.

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