Friday, April 30, 2010

Rough Day at the Office

Today was an extremely tough day at the office....wait, I didn't go to the office today. I took the day off and took my son to the zoo. You couldn't have asked for a better April 30: 80 degrees, a nice strong wind from the south-southwest, and a bunch of school kids who don't know how to behave in public places(that does not include my son). Below is a photo time line of our day.

And the smiles start.

Just a little smaller than the bears.

No, it is not going to eat you.

His two new bestest friends

Action shot, notice what the static did to his hair.

Trying to coerce the kid, no pun intended, out of the pouch.

My cranky kid after 2 1/2 hours of the zoo.

Five minutes later.

Five minutes later.

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