Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oh. Aye. Ar.

While living in the Rugby House during college, we listened to many different genres of music. My room mate Jay was the techno junkie and Eric was classic rocker while I enjoyed long instrumental improvisation from jam bands. Our neighbors, on the other hand loved this group O.A.R. I never heard of them but during the summer while playing our daily games of horse shoes and drinking our Keystone Light, I got to know the music - and I liked it.

But then for the next 60 days straight, while playing horse shoes and drinking our beer, we listened to the same CD over and over and over again. Then I hated O.A.R.

After I relocated to a new apartment I enjoyed the decreased air time of O.A.R. Then after my mandatory No O.A.R. time, I decided to give them another chance and now I have seen them 5 times in concert including at Bonnaroo and for their latest live album Rain or Shine - a three disk set compiled during a two night stand in Chicago during the summer of 2009.

Last night was another great show on Chicago's lakefront culminating with "Crazy Game of Poker" while Navy Pier had their fireworks.

Oh, and these three dudes to the right - their ladies ditched them and they sat shoulder to shoulder like this most of the night. It was adorable. Just notice the slight tilt from the guy on the right. That is love.

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