Friday, April 30, 2010

Rough Day at the Office

Today was an extremely tough day at the office....wait, I didn't go to the office today. I took the day off and took my son to the zoo. You couldn't have asked for a better April 30: 80 degrees, a nice strong wind from the south-southwest, and a bunch of school kids who don't know how to behave in public places(that does not include my son). Below is a photo time line of our day.

And the smiles start.

Just a little smaller than the bears.

No, it is not going to eat you.

His two new bestest friends

Action shot, notice what the static did to his hair.

Trying to coerce the kid, no pun intended, out of the pouch.

My cranky kid after 2 1/2 hours of the zoo.

Five minutes later.

Five minutes later.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Heart Squirrels

Through my years, I am proud to say that I have never run over an animal in my car. To this day I still have never hit an animal in my car. This brings us to last week. I leave work early and start riding my bike to my dentist office. I should have known something was bound to happen due to the track record I have with my dentist which is another story in itself. Without incident, I made it to within 5 blocks of my dentist. And then it happens - Man vs Squirrel. I was within 50 feet of a squirrel in the middle of the street as I pedaled along. The squirrel just stared at me. I started to move towards the center of the residential street but that was not enough. It happened so fast I actually couldn't believe it, but it almost threw me over my handle bars. I have no other words that can describe the scene below.

It has been three days since the incident and I am still lost for words about the entire ordeal. I just wonder what people thought when they walked by my bike parked underneath the Purple Line bridge at Washington with a squirrel stuck in the fork.